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This second edition is a short (110 pages), succinct and concise book. I don’t usually like reading physiology textbooks, but I found this one very interesting. It is written in a manner which is easy to read and digest. It’s also written in such a way that makes the reader want to continue reading.

It consists of 13 chapters. The first few chapters are suitable for anyone with an interest in the larynx and concentrates on history and function of the larynx. It then progresses onto neurophysiology and neuromuscular elements of the larynx which is probably more targeted toward laryngologists. The final chapter on laryngeal paralysis is excellent and of particular interest to thyroid and head and neck surgeons alike.

Almost all of the chapters start with one or two clinical cases and then progress to explain the physiology behind what has been exhibited in the case. The evidence behind it is backed up by studies that the authors have performed e.g. the pressure effects on glottic closing force on Yorkshire pigs following nerve section.

The studies mentioned above, however, are quite dated and were presumably carried out prior to the first edition. The book itself is a black and white text. The visual impact of dated graphs, tables and images combined with black and white text is quite dramatic – for a book published in 2017, it looks outdated. Once one gets past the dated graphics, the information is priceless and really compliments the text.

Overall, I found this book to be a very good, interesting and easy read. It will certainly be of great benefit to anyone with an interest in laryngology but also allied specialties such as speech and language therapists.

I highly recommend this book and thank the author, Clarence Sasaki (Yale University), and his team for producing and updating a book which is highly relevant to many specialties, ENT surgeons and laryngologists in particular.

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Omar Mulla

Doncaster Royal Infirmary, UK.

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