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Eighteen years after the second edition of Key Topics in Otolaryngology, Nick Roland and his co-editors have published the long-awaited third edition. This concise book has been the friend of the examinee for the last two decades within UK and beyond, for most postgraduate ENT exams. In 504 pages, 123 chapters have been laid out in alphabetical order covering a comprehensive range of topics from anaesthetics to voice disorders, with 21 new chapters.

Aimed at the ENT surgeons who are in the early or mid-part of their training, it is also a useful, quick day-to-day reference book. The three co-editors are senior otolaryngologists who have commissioned almost 45 authors from UK and abroad, each of whom are an authority in their field. The result is a friendly introduction to otolaryngology for medical students, general practitioners and nurse practitioners. Chapter 27 covers the various examinations in ENT held in the UK and the European Board Exam.

It has been comprehensibly updated since its last edition and presented with great clarity in short chapters enriched with tables as appropriate. Perhaps the editors may consider adding more photos/figures in the next edition. For the techie trainee on the move, a complimentary digital copy is a welcome gift from the publishers.
Overall, a strongly recommended book for all ENT trainees and a must for those sitting an exam in Europe. The paperback edition is offered as a good bargain for £85 on Amazon.

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M Shahed Quraishi (Prof) OBE

Prof M Shahed Quraishi, OBE, FRCS, Doncaster Royal Infirmary, UK; Visiting Professor, Capital Medical University, China; Director ENT Masterclass®.

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