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A dual approach from the author, who shares her personal experience of growing up with hearing loss accompanied by her knowledge and passion of medical history, allows the reader to embark on a journey of hearing loss through time. The development of technology, opinions and medical advances span the pages of the book.

I particularly enjoyed the personal view from a child that has grown into an adult. I think too often as clinicians, we forget that the experiences we provide in clinic will stay with a person for life.

I found the book, fascinating and educational. I was amazed at the many socalled ‘cures’ that have been attempted over the decades and the lengths people will go to be able to ‘fix’ their hearing. Examples include herbal remedies and high-flying planes! All in the quest to remove the burden or stigma of hearing loss. The idea of hidden aids is nothing new; according to this book people have been trying to hide them for centuries. The book covers views from different cultures and religions, providing an insight in to how where you grow up or what religion you are can affect the acceptance of being different. The book shares how blame, guilt and needing to know why someone has a hearing loss has always been a part of the patient’s journey to acceptance.

The hearing aids, software and equipment we use today can be temperamental at times and the pressures can be high in our roles but, after reading this book and seeing how far we have come, I am grateful for what I can offer my patients in clinic today! 

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Ruth Bannister

Kent Community ENT Team, UK.

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