The Hearing Aid Dispensing Training Manual is primarily designed to support those sitting their State Hearing Aid Dispensing practical exams in the US. The book is easy to read, comprehensive and logical in its approach to supporting those sitting their state exams, with the author giving many useful tips and step by step guides to the process of a state exam.

I would also recommend it as an aide-mémoire to those more experienced dispensers already working in the field, as the author often covers areas that will, I’m sure, periodically pop up in general practice.

Although aimed primarily at the American market, it may also be of use for those entering the audiology profession as a hearing aid dispenser or an audiologist in the UK, as many of the chapters cover basic audiological topics such as identifying features of the outer ear and interpreting pure tone audiograms. It would also provide an interesting insight into how the profession differs in its approach to audiology from the USA to the UK. Although, the reader would need to be aware of and recognise the differences between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) practices and procedures used in the USA and the British Academy of Audiology (BSA) recommended procedures largely employed in the UK. One example of this would be in the procedures involved in taking the impression of an ear.

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Robert Frost

Division of Audiology, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.

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