This textbook starts by giving a background to esophageal anatomy, physiology and non-invasive tests, an area that is often overlooked and not considered in detail in other texts read by ENT surgeons.
Transnasal esophagoscopy is a comparatively new domain for ENT surgeons and this textbook has helped the educational needs from an ENT perspective. The text is very well written, the language is easy to grasp and there are multiple classification tools for diagnosing, grading and treating various esophageal conditions. The radiological, manometric and clinical co-relation of the pictures and text of various esophageal pathologies is very helpful. The causes of dysphagia and globus pharyngeus symptoms are very well-explained and all conditions associated with dysphagia are included. There are numerous pictures within the text. The quality of images could have been better; however, this weakness is compensated by an access to the Plural Plus website which includes videos and images.
In summary I recommend this book to every senior ENT trainee with an interest in head and neck surgery. This book should be on the desk of anyone who is planning to set up a clinic for esophageal disorders.