This is a single author text book written by Peter Lohuis from Utrecht, and therefore differs from the majority of multi-author rhinoplasty texts. The book is essentially therefore a comprehensive ‘how I do it’ from first consultation through to patient discharge.

In his introduction, Peter modestly admits that his “way of rhinoplasty is the result of a slowly progressing process, based on the great rhinoplasty surgeons of the past.” This is in my view a strength, not a weakness, and in reading the book I was impressed by his clarity of explanation and practical approach.

The book comprises some 400 pages with 14 chapters. The personal aspect of the text is illustrated by the first rather philosophical chapter about the rhinoplasty learning curve, so familiar to those of us with an interest in this operation. Although not comprehensive, most key aspects of functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty are then covered, with an excellent final chapter on nasal reconstruction reflecting Peter’s expertise in this area. The photographs and illustrations by Karin Spijker are of a very high standard, adding to the text.

This book would be of great educational benefit and interest to trainees seeking a clear and easy-to-read practical guide to septorhinoplasty. For the more experienced surgeon, this book is a personal presentation of considerable expertise and I enjoyed it because of this.

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Tim Woolford (Prof)

Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Manchester Royal Infirmary; Honorary Clinical Professor, Edge Hill University, UK.

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