This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
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Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing

This American book is written for students “in the field of communication sciences and disorders”, however, this is a very useful text for anyone wanting to understand the underpinning science behind speech, swallowing and hearing and balance. The book is...

Balance Disorders: A Brief Overview

Managing balance patients poses a challenge for many clinicians. Vestibular disorders affect a large part of the population and hence present to various specialties including ENT, audiology, neurology and primary care. The healthcare cost of balance disorders and any resultant...

Basic Otorhinolaryngology – Second Edition

The second edition of Thieme’s Basic Otorhinolaryngology, as the name suggests, is indeed a step-by-step learning guide for medical students and physicians seeking basic information related to the subject. It comes in an easy-to-learn and user-friendly format, introducing the reader...

Basic Fundamentals in Hearing Science

The preface to this textbook explains that its inspiration came from an identified need to replace a previously discontinued hearing science textbook authored by Durrant and Lovrinic in 1995. This was an excellent resource that I used throughout my own...

Essentials of Modern Hearing Aids - Selection, Fitting, Verification

In the preface to this book, the authors state that the purpose of the book is to take “a student through the entire hearing aid process from beginning to end in a logical and clinically applicable manner”. The book eschews...

Speech Mapping and Probe Microphone Measurements

Consisting of seven chapters, 300 pages, numerous graphs and images, alongside a host of ‘tips and tricks, ‘clinical concepts, and ‘points to ponder’, you will be hard-pressed to find a more detailed, thorough discussion of all things related to probe...

Laryngeal Physiology for the Surgeon and Clinician – Second Edition

This second edition is a short (110 pages), succinct and concise book. I don’t usually like reading physiology textbooks, but I found this one very interesting. It is written in a manner which is easy to read and digest. It’s...

Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery of Skull Base Tumors: An Interdisciplinary Approach

This book sets itself apart from its peers by providing a unique interdisciplinary approach to skull base surgery. As the title implies, there is naturally a huge focus on endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery (between chapters 8 and 15). The...

Robotic Head and Neck Surgery: An Anatomical and Surgical Atlas

I was excited to receive and review this book. Unfortunately I was disappointed to discover the strange paperback spirally bound exterior, which the publisher’s website states makes it robust. It looks anything but robust and, as an intended textbook to...

Otoacoustic Emissions: Principles, Procedures, and Protocols – Second Edition

This book is aimed at clinicians who are likely to use otoacoustic emission (OAE) testing in a clinical setting, who want to upgrade their learning and improve their skills. I feel this book is ideal for its target audience. Especially...

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