Book Reviews
Neuroimaging of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems: A Clinician’s Guide
Neuroimaging of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems offers a comprehensive exploration of neuroimaging techniques as they pertain to the auditory and vestibular systems. This book is a valuable resource for clinicians, researchers and post-graduate students interested in the up-to-date diagnostic...
Disorders of the Vestibular System: Diagnosis and Management
This book is aimed at specialist trainees and consultants with an interest in improving their knowledge and understanding of this traditionally obscure area of otolaryngology. There are very comprehensive chapters on anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system along with...
Rock Steady: Healing Vertigo or Tinnitus with Neuroplasticity
Rock Steady guides the reader through a change in attitude towards chronic tinnitus or imbalance. The premise is that changes in the human body are an inevitable part of life, through trauma, ageing and illness. These changes can produce sensations...
Advanced ENT Training - A guide to passing the FRCS (ORL-HNS) examination
Advanced ENT Training - A guide to passing the FRCS (ORL-HNS) examination is a book that really understands its readers. Trainees preparing for their exams are led through common viva topics in an engaging question-and-answer format. The book covers all...
Balance Function Assessment and Management – Third Edition
Now in its third edition, this textbook provides an extensive amount of up-to-date information on the assessment and management of the vestibular system. Four new editors have been recruited for this edition and all chapters have been reviewed and reorganised...
Vestibular Disorders
This is an excellent compendium of vestibular disorders, edited by two of the leading figures in otolaryngology. It is also a tribute to one of the most extraordinary colleagues, David Pothier, plucked tragically in his prime after a heroic battle...
Manual of Pediatric Balance Disorders - Second Edition
This is a very welcome and recently updated book for those wishing to learn about paediatric balance disorders. It has a multidisciplinary authorship and therefore all the specialties involved in the management of a child with balance problems should be...
Vestibular Testing Interpretation: Drill and Practice
My overall impression of this book is that I liked it. While it reports to be designed for a trainee or junior practitioner, it may be useful for clinicians for whom vestibular conditions and testing is an area of heart-sink...
Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing
This American book is written for students “in the field of communication sciences and disorders”, however, this is a very useful text for anyone wanting to understand the underpinning science behind speech, swallowing and hearing and balance. The book is...
Balance Disorders: A Brief Overview
Managing balance patients poses a challenge for many clinicians. Vestibular disorders affect a large part of the population and hence present to various specialties including ENT, audiology, neurology and primary care. The healthcare cost of balance disorders and any resultant...
Vestibular Lab Manual – Second Edition
This book provides an up-to date, succinct overview of diagnostic and rehabilitative vestibular audiology, inclusive of new diagnostic techniques. It is aimed at lab instructors, students, and clinicians working in a vestibular/balance assessment and/or rehabilitation setting, focusing on content to...
Rotational Vestibular Assessment
Although Rotational Vestibular Assessment is a textbook aimed primarily at audiologists, all specialists involved in vestibular work, including medics, physiotherapists and scientists will find something of interest here. The writing style adopted, combined with the numerous illustrations, all help to...