Book Reviews
Neuroimaging of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems: A Clinician’s Guide
Neuroimaging of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems offers a comprehensive exploration of neuroimaging techniques as they pertain to the auditory and vestibular systems. This book is a valuable resource for clinicians, researchers and post-graduate students interested in the up-to-date diagnostic...
Psychoacoustics: Auditory Perception of Listeners with Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss - Second Edition
Dr Lentz’s Psychoacoustics: Auditory Perception of Listeners with Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss, Second Edition is a 287-page introduction to the eponymous field that fills some (like myself) with great interest, though I have recognised the soporific effect of even...
Teleaudiology Today: Remote Assessment and Management of Hearing Loss
The Covid crisis saw many audiology services, private and public, scramble to find other methods of continuing to deliver services to new and existing patients/clients. This textbook builds on international research that the authors published during that time and the...
A guide to managing atypical communication in healthcare
This book provides the background theory as well as practical tips for communicating with different patient populations and varying conditions. Published in 2023, it is a recent book with a great deal of research and practice guidance embedded from various...
Tinnitus and Sound Sensitivity Case Book
This book, as the title suggests, is full of case studies written by health wprofessionals involving patients who are experiencing tinnitus and/or sound sensitivity. There are 29 different case studies spanning both adults and paediatrics (though mainly adults). Each case...
Dr. Gyl’s Guide to a Successful Hearing Care Practice
This book covers a much-needed area in audiology to help support independent/small businesses set up their own clinics. The book covers a range of topics and talks through the rationale behind decisions vital in business. The author states that a...
From Listening to Language: Comprehensive Intervention to Maximise Learning for Children and Adults with Hearing Loss
How does one build a two-storey house? Start with a firm foundation, followed by a strong structure. Only then can the floors and attic be added. Madell and Hewitt provide practitioners with this same blueprint to facilitate optimal outcomes for...
Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults and Their Family Members – Sixth Edition
This book provides a plethora of information relating to aural rehabilitation. The author has taken a multi-faceted approach, combining firm evidence-based perspectives with an evaluation of the scientific foundations of current clinical practises. This book is mainly aimed at those...
Basic Audiometry Learning Manual - Third Edition
Unfamiliar with the first and second editions, it was a pleasure to review the third edition of the Basic Audiometry Learning Manual. As with many of such books available to the market, and as one would expect, there is a...
Instrumentation for Audiology and Hearing Science: Theory and Practice - Second Edition
This book is informative, with concise explanations of basic principles of physics and technology aiding the reader in understanding how these are related to instrumentation used within audiology and scientific aspects of hearing. A valuable text to have on the...
Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders and Pacific Islander Ear Care Manual
I was delighted to review this manual, having had the previous privilege of joining its lead author, Professor Harvey Coates, in one of his indigenous ear health clinics just outside Perth, Western Australia. Prof Coates has worked with a broad...
Music and Hearing Aids: A clinical approach
Given Marshall Chasin’s international reputation in the field of music and hearing aids, this book will come with high expectations. As an often-challenging clinical scenario for practising audiologists, and with no other dedicated books on the market, this text has...