This section is devoted to reviewing the latest books in the fields of ENT and audiology. Our reviews are intended to provide useful guidance for end users who will find the books helpful in their day-to-day practice.
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Techniques of Botulinum Toxin Injections in the Head and Neck

The foreword begins with a saying by George Bernard Shaw, “all great truths begin as blasphemies”. This certainly was the case with medical application of Botox initially, however, botulinum toxin now has an accepted role and is widely used in...

Clinical Manual of Otolaryngology

This book aims to fill the gap that many ‘generic clinical textbooks’ fail to address; the knowledge and skills required to deal with common ear, nose and throat conditions that present to general practitioners and in emergency departments. Its scope...

Image-Based Case Studies in ENT and Head & Neck Surgery

This is a question and answer style book based on 124 clinical images. Divided into four sections, the images are generally of very good quality. It is a handy size to carry around. The authors state it is aimed at...

Dirty Work

Gabriel Weston’s new novel chronicles four traumatic weeks in the life of its narrator, Dr Nancy Mullion. Nancy is a young trainee in obstetrics and gynaecology, the subject of a General Medical Council (GMC) investigation into her clinical performance following...

Middle Ear and Mastoid Surgery

I enjoyed reading Middle Ear and Mastoid Surgery by Sanna et al. The authors are to be commended on the excellence of the illustrations within this text, both in schematic line drawings and operative images. I found both to be...

Complications in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, First Edition

This is a volume compiled into a ‘handy reading’ format on Complications in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, which cites as its special features: 1) the first complete, one-volume source on risks and complications in otology, rhinology, and head...

Tactile Sensing and Displays: Haptic Feedback for Minimally Invasive Surgery and Robotics

This book has a catchy title and due to my interest in developing simulation systems for training in surgery I was delighted to be asked to review. However, I found it very hard going and the first few chapters are...

Hearing Conservation: In Occupational, Recreational, Educational, and Home Settings (1st edition)

Hearing Conservation was released in September 2011 by Vishakha Rawool, Professor of Audiology at West Virginia University. The book is intended for audiologists, researchers and graduate level students, as well as other professionals working in the fields of hearing conservation...

Otolaryngology Prep and Practice

Jennifer Shin and Michael Cunningham from Boston, USA have published an impressive book with 37 chapters in 1226 pages. It aims to enable the reader to retain ENT knowledge by presenting it in a way that enforces application of knowledge,...

Oral Complications of Cancer and its Management

The title of this book had the promise to lead us to a clear understanding of the common complications associated with surgical and nonsurgical interventions for oral cancers; and, of course, tell us about the evidence based management of its...

Complications in Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial plastic surgery is an increasingly expanding sub-specialty of ENT and it is always welcome news to hear of books related to this sub-specialty, particularly good books, and this book certainly fits into that category. This multi author book is...

Atlas of Head and Neck Ultrasound

The aim of the authors in producing this atlas is not only to give beginners a systematic introduction to the basics of head and neck ultrasonography, but also to provide more experienced users with the opportunity of gaining further in-depth...