Microendoscope by POLYDIAGNOST

Microendoscope by POLYDIAGNOST

Not only for Sialendoscopy*

The interdisciplinary, modular, semi-rigid microendoscope by POLYDIAGNOST:

  • 0° DoV-Optics in 120° and 70° FoV, 10 K, 9K** and 6K resolution.
  • PolyShaft®: sterile, single-use, multiple lengths, multiple diameters.
  • Interchangeable setups, economic and swift during operation for diagnosis and therapy.
  • No microlumen secure save reprocessing.

*Sialendoscopy, Lacrimal Endoscopy, TMJ - Arthroscopy and TMJ – Arthrocentesis.
** coming soon.

T: +49 (0)811 9987 3380