Newsround FAQs

Q: What can be sent to Newsround?

A: We accept:

  • Reports and previews of conferences and major international events
  • Relevant news of international interest
  • News of major awards and outstanding charitable work
  • Promotion of prizes, awards and scholarships available to professionals who work in the fields of ENT and audiology

We do not accept:

  • Reports from paid courses
  • Advertisements for courses
  • Reports from event organisers or those on the conference board

In exceptional circumstances, we may consider covering smaller courses or meetings, but this remains at the editors’ discretion.

Q: Do I have to check with you before writing a report on an event I’m attending?

A: Yes. Please get in touch with us in advance of the event to avoid duplication and so we can confirm it is an event we want report on. As a courtesy, it is advisable also to check with the organiser of the event.

Q: I’m going to an overseas conference. Can I write a report on it?

A: Get in touch with us to check. We may encourage you to co-author your report with a delegate from the country where the event is being held. 

Q: How do you decide who will write a report?

A: If we hear from you in advance, and you have the approval of the event organiser, it’s first come, first served! In the absence of contact prior to an event, the ENT & Audiology News team may have already appointed a reporter.

Q: Can I write a report of an event I’ve organised?

A: No. Reports of events must come from delegates. Organisers cannot write reports, but they can appoint a delegate to do this.

Q: I’m sure I’ve seen reports from event organisers.

A: This may have been the case in the past, but it’s something we are trying to change. The exception is for major international events, for which we often coordinate multiple contributions to an extended report.

Q: Do you have standard instructions for writing a report?

A: Yes, you can find the guidelines below. But please get in touch if you have any queries. 

Q: What if I come across a discussion or presentation that is worthy of more extensive coverage?

A: We are always on the look-out for interesting stories for elsewhere in the magazine. Please let us know if your event includes research that deserves more in-depth coverage.

Q: Do you accept photographs?

A: Yes, we love photographs! We can include numerous photographs in a digital online report, and we select one or two for the print version. Please include suitable captions when sending images. 

Q: Will my report be published exactly as I write it?

A: Reports can run up to 400 words for the digital version, but if your report is also going into a print issue we may edit it down due to space limits. We will also edit minimally for sentence structure, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Q: I have a question that is not covered here.

A: Please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.



Newsround reports
Reports can run up to around 400 words for the digital version. An edited version may appear in the print issue. Many reports appear only online and not in print.

The main message of a Newsround report is 'what did you miss if you didn't attend?' The aim is to inform readers and keep them up to date. Perhaps it will also encourage them to attend future conferences. You should include keynote speakers and their topics, along with any particular highlights or controversies, prize winners and poster winners (including subject titles and where the winners are based), as well as thoughts on the academic programme, any exhibitions and anything else that caught your eye.

Specific details are more engaging than generalities. You will give readers a more vivid impression of the event if you describe a particular talk, for example, than if you use a catch-all phrase such as "there was something for everyone" or "it catered to a wide range of disciplines". Try to say what made this event distinct from others.

Every report starts with the name of the meeting, the date and the venue (see below). There is no need to repeat this information in your report.

The main body of the report should be given over to the academic content but please also mention the social side and include pictures where possible (including captions). Please also include a head-and-shoulders photograph of yourself.

Please include the following information: (e.g.)

Meeting title  12th Annual BAA Conference
Date                 26-27 November 2015
Venue              Harrogate International Conference Centre, Harrogate, UK
Report by         Gareth Lloyd, ST4 Otolaryngology, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK

                                (+ Head and shoulders colour photograph of reporter)

Report text (400 word as above)


Prof or Professor?

Please use Professor the first time the person is mentioned and then Prof – Prof is to be used in author details.

Future meeting details Please also include details of the next meeting (date, venue, etc)

Social Media Links

Web address
You Tube

Photos should be sent as JPEG files in as high a resolution as possible. Photographs should be accompanied by suitable captions. Send photographs separately and not embedded in the text document.

Pinpoint Scotland Ltd reserves the right to feature any editorial contribution, including photographs, on its current and future websites, digital versions and social media platforms.

Please contact the Newsround section editors Rohma Abrar and Haseem Raja for more information or any questions.

Submit your news/reports to Anna Levin, Newsround coordinator.