The World Health Organisation (WHO) took the opportunity of World Hearing Day on 2 March to announce three hearing-loss initiatives. As well as establishing a global standard for safe listening entertainment venues, it published a related handbook for implementation of safe listening and released a media brief for journalists. Globally, more than 1 billion people are at risk of hearing loss because of listening to music at loud volumes and for long periods of time – loss that is completely preventable.

The launch webinar, with its theme ‘To hear for life, listen with care,’ is now available online. Moderated by Grammy award-winning musicians Ricky Kej and Lucy Kalantari, the hour-long recording kicks off with remarks from Dr Ren Minghui, WHO’s Assistant Director General and Ms Doreen Bogdan Martin, Director of the International Telecommunication Union. 

They are followed by Dr Shelly Chadha of WHO, talking on the central theme, before a panel discussion. Closing remarks are from the WHO’s Dr Bente Mikkelsen.