WENTS UK is delighted that so many colleagues have joined the ENT UK mentoring programme, run by WENTS (Women in ENT Surgery) and open to all genders. They now have 134 active participants, including all grades from medical students to consultants and professors. We hear more about the programme from WENTS Mentoring Committee member, Leanne Hamilton.

"We’ve been utilising this opportunity to produce high-quality literature on mentoring within ENT. Rohma Abrar presented our first research study, ‘Exploring Participant Expectations in a Developmental Mentorship Programme’ at the ENT Scotland meeting. We hope to update you on further studies linked to our mentoring programme throughout the year.

As with any pilot programme, it will keep evolving to suit our participants’ needs. We have actively sought feedback to improve the service and are working on various aspects to continue its success.

There has been a request for more training in mentoring. Therefore, we are planning more workshops and support to deliver this. Our next Mentoring Workshop will be held on 23 July 2021, hosted virtually. Registration is open now and spaces can be booked at www.entuk.org/events/1381

There is enthusiasm for further mentor support and networking. We ran our first Mentoring Café in April this year, which was a drop-in session to facilitate informal discussion between mentors to share experiences. Following the success of this session, further virtual cafes are being planned, dates to be confirmed. And of course, we also look forward to face-face regional meet ups when restrictions are lifted!

We recognise that some of our participants have been part of the programme for over a year now, and we offer a refreshing of their partnerships. This is to enable our participants to evolve and continue their mentoring journey with a new partner if required. If you are a current participant, and think this applies to you, please contact us via the details below.

We would love to hear from those already registered who may like to share their mentee/mentor experience as an interview feature for our next update. It would be interesting to hear how the programme works for you, and whether you would recommend it. Please get in touch.

We hope this update has encouraged some of you to join us. Remember, this programme is suitable for all grades and for any gender. You can register as a mentee, a mentor, or both! It’s very easy to join using this link. By completing the registration survey with your details, we can match you to a suitable mentee or mentor."

Leanne Hamilton, ST7 trainee in ENT, University Hospital Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, UK.




Twitter: @UKWENTS

Events info: www.entuk.org/courses-and-events