As part of an initiative to make listening safe, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is conducting a survey to understand the listening habits of video-gamers and esports’ athletes. The anonymous 10-minute survey is designed to ensure WHO’s work reflects the opinions of gamers and participants in esports. The closing date is 5 November 2022.

This survey is undertaken by WHO’s Ear and Hearing Care Programme in collaboration with the University of Lucerne, Switzerland.

The questionnaire is divided into three sections. The first includes questions about listening habits when gaming or engaging in e-sports. The second is about attitudes to hearing health. The last is devoted to socio-demographic information for analytical purposes.

Participation is voluntary and participants will remain anonymous if the results of the study are made public in scientific papers or elsewhere. No personal data will be handed to third parties without explicit permission.

Please encourage fans of esports and video games to take part. The survey is here.