Registration is now open for CI2023: Cochlear Implants in Children and Adults, 7-10 June, in Dallas, Texas, USA, with early bird rates until 7 April 2023. The conference will explore current and emerging topics for CI patients across the lifespan. CEU and CME credits offered.

Main themes:

  • Considerations for non-English speaking patients
  • Genetics of hearing loss relevant to CI
  • CMV and CI
  • Cochlear implantation at both ends of the age spectrum (< 9 months, > 90 years)


  • Carolyn Brown PhD to deliver the John K Niparko Lecture: 'Cochlear Implants at IOWA: 1983-2023.' Brown is an internationally recognised scientist who has spent her career exploring auditory evoked potentials and medical audiology at the University of Iowa, one of the world’s earliest CI programmes.
  • Ferenc Bunta PhD: 'Speech and Language Production of Bilingual Children with Cochlear Implants: Highlights and Clinical Implications'.
  • Pablo Sanchez MD: 'Congenital CMV Infection and Hearing Loss: It's Time to Screen!'

The (Re)Habilitation Connect Forum will discuss 'Cochlear Implant Intervention and Outcomes for Children with Early Developmental Impairments' and 'Post-implantation Therapy Benefits Adults Too.'

CI2023 will launch two new Special Interest Groups to provide support and networking opportunities for professionals with hearing loss and students.

Full details here.