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Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS),
Consultant Ear,
Nose and Throat Surgeon,
Wexham Park Hospital,
Slough, Berkshire, UK.

TW / X: @Voicedoctor_uk 


One of the privileges of editing this magazine is interviewing senior figures within our specialty; so, it was wonderful to speak to Prof Frederik Dikkers, who has been a leading light in the world of laryngology and is particularly celebrated for his work on laryngeal papillomatosis. In recent years, he has also been instrumental in trying to improve the safety of button batteries, which can cause such devastating injuries if ingested. Read my chat with him here.

We also feature a conversation between two of the highest-profile otologists in the world. Chris Aldren talks to Robert Vincent, both of whom are very talented and committed musicians. In other news related to music, Marshall Chasin talks about the harmony of music and audiology.

Elsewhere, we feature a novel approach to the follow-up of head and neck cancer patients, and up-to-date classification of rhinosinusitis.

We always enjoy meeting our readers, so if you are coming to the CEORL-HNS Congress in Dublin in June, do come to our stand – it would be great to see you. For those of you attending the BSA Scientific Meeting (also in June), your ‘virtual delegate bags’ will contain a link to the digital versions of this edition of the magazine.

The world of ENT (and particularly head and neck surgery) sadly recently lost one of the titans of the specialty – Wolfgang Steiner died in February at the age of 81. He is one of those rare clinicians whose work genuinely resulted in a paradigm shift in our management of head and neck cancer. His good friend David Howard has written a very moving obituary – click here to read.

Finally, it is with a heavy heart that we report that Emma Stapleton is stepping down from her long-term role as our section editor in the ENT Features part of the magazine; I would like personally to offer my profound thanks to her for all her hard work, enthusiasm, dynamism and wise advice over the years. Although we will doubtless be working with her in the years to come, this is the end of her ‘formal’ relationship with the magazine, and the whole team at the magazine are immensely grateful to her. We are delighted to welcome on board Mona Mozaffari as our otology specialty editor.





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Declan Costello

MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK

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