ENT in this issue...Multidisciplinary Teams

Joanne Rimmer, MBBS, MA(Hons) Cantab, FRCS(ORL-HNS), FRACS, Consultant Otolaryngologist / Rhinologist, Monash Health; Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. E: rimmer.joanne@gmail.com The multidisciplinary team (MDT) has long been regarded as the gold standard in cancer care,...

Audiology in this issue...Multidisciplinary Teams

Marsha Jenkins, BSc Hons, MSc, Principal Clinical Scientist (Audiology), St Thomas’ Paediatric Hearing Implant Centre, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust E: marsha.jenkins@gstt.nhs.uk Twitter: @GSTTnhs www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/our-services/hearing-implant-centre I am delighted to guest edit this collaboration of various clinical MDTs from...

From the editor MayJun 2020

Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS(ORL-HNS), Editor, ENT & Audiology News; Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK. E: d.costello@nhs.net We are living in extraordinary times. As I write this message, the COVID-19 pandemic is just...

Meet the Johns Hopkins team developing a 3D-printed device allowing COVID-19 patients to share ventilators

    Amid a shortage of ventilators, the team of engineers and clinicians came together to create an open-source ventilator splitter that hospitals and communities can produce. CLICK HERE

Coronavirus: Ventilator built by Airbus and F1 approved

  Image courtesy of BBC   The first new medical ventilator to treat people with severe symptoms of Covid-19 has been approved in the UK. CLICK HERE

Easter Weekend sees the start of Innovia Face Visor production

Innovia Medical Group has announced that production of its Innovia Face Visor is now underway.

Coronavirus: Raspberry Pi-powered ventilator to be tested in Colombia

  A team in Colombia is to test a ventilator made with a Raspberry Pi computer and easy-to-source parts. CLICK HERE

UPDATED: Modified snorkelling mask for surgery

You may also be interested in The use of a tactical throat mic guitar amp system to improve communication in theatre in the COVID era

Crowdfunder page for Covid airway screens surpasses original target in first six hours

Having launched our @crowdfunderuk appeal yesterday, we rapidly surpassed our target - thank you so much to all the donors. Testing of prototypes went well today. After modifications, we'll make more Covid airway screens. - CLICK HERE 

The first major NHS cancer case performed at HCA London Bridge Hospital Cancer Centre

In the words of Mr Jean - Pierre Jeannon, 'we will get through this together'. Never better demonstrated than through the life saving team work seen yesterday led by JP and Mr Ricard Simo...CLICK HERE

First HN case with respirator

Not heavy, reasonably comfy, claustrophobic, communication difficult; need to be vocal and clear. Allows loupes/ headlights. Protrudes & can desterilise field. Transoral laser microsurgery will be a challenge. - CLICK HERE

ENT UK Synopsis of PPE survey results for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key findings from 258 ENT Surgeons throughout the UK (survey period 23-30 March 2020) which highlight the significant gaps in protection for staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. - PLEASE CLICK ON THE GREEN DOWNLOAD BUTTON