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According to NHS England, over 400,000 patients were waiting for ENT treatment in the UK in January 2022. This figure forms part of the overall 33.5% increase in the number of patients waiting for Referral to Treatment (RTT) compared to February 2020[1]. With the emphasis on driving these numbers down, new approaches and locations are emerging. Examples of this are the NHS hubs popping up across the UK and the use of facilities during downtimes (evenings and weekends).

Endoscopic Washer Disinfectors (EWDs) and central decontamination models cannot be relied upon as timely or economic. Difficulty lies in implementing these models or transporting EWDs between new locations, due to their dependence on water and electricity. One alternative is Single-use scopes and sheaths, which speed up the decontamination process but have high economic and environmental cost implications.

What is required is a method that can be with users at the drop of a hat, without the need for water, electricity or space; a method that offers fast through-put, without impacting cost and efficacy.

Discover the portable, quick and digitally traceable solution

With the Tristel Trio Wipes System, nasendocopes can be decontaminated in a matter of minutes. The Tristel Trio Wipes System combines cleaning, high-level disinfection and rinsing with traceability.

The Tristel Sporicidal Wipe, which represents the high-level disinfection step, is proven effective in only 30 seconds. The system’s portability means it can be wherever teams are, without reliance on electricity or water.

Increase patient through-put and adapt to developments in ENT decontamination with Tristel. To find out more, speak to the Tristel team or join their network of healthcare industry professionals for all the latest news and guidance.



1. NHS England. Statistical Press Notice NHS referral to treatment (RTT) waiting times data January 2022.

Last accessed August 2022.



Tristel Global
T: +44 (0)1638 721500

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