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 Grason Stadler (GSI), a leader of clinical instrumentation, is proud to announce updates to the GSI Pello™.

These updates are released to align with recent updates that were also implemented on the GSI AudioStar Pro™, the most significant being the inclusion of the new ACT™ (Audible Contrast Threshold) test when new Pello devices are purchased with the Speech Plus license. The ACT test uses a method that is not dependent on language to predict a patient’s aided hearing performance in noise. These results are used to guide recommendations for which hearing aids may be most appropriate for the patient and what settings may best help them in difficult hearing situations.



Additional updates to the Pello include an improved processor that provides faster startup and transition times, the addition of the Weber test, screen resolution improvements, masking level indicators, and more. A breakdown of the differences between the latest versions of the AudioStar Pro and the Pello can be found at



For more information on the newly updated Pello and AudioStar Pro, or the ACT Test, please contact:

T: US: +1 800 700 2282
T: International: +1 952 278 4402

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