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We are delighted to introduce Amanda Stratford as the new CEO of ENT UK. Amanda, who took over from Katie Nurcombe as CEO on 2 January, comes from a health charity and NHS background, with 20 years of charity sector experience across the UK in national and international organisations. Most recently, she has worked with health charities alongside the NHS and is a non-executive director in her local community and mental health trust.



 Amanda said: “I was delighted to start the new year with this new role. Joining an organisation that has patients at its heart and works with professionals to ensure that we get the best outcomes for patients is a privilege. I've been driven throughout my career to ensure that the voice of those who are seldom heard is heard. And for me, that's always been putting the patient first and ensuring what matters to the patient is considered in all decisions.”



T: +44 (0)20 740 48 373

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