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AURITEC AT2000 is a state-of-the-art audiometer that stands out for its exceptional capabilities in multichannel audiometry and its unique integration with cochlear implants. Designed for both clinical and research settings, the AT2000/AT-research family offers a comprehensive range of features that enhance auditory diagnostics and therapy.

Multichannel Audiometry

One of the key features of the AURITEC AT2000 is its advanced multichannel audiometry capabilities. Unlike traditional audiometers that operate on single or dual channels, the AT2000 supports multiple channels simultaneously. This allows for complex auditory testing scenarios, including binaural and dichotic listening tests, which are crucial for diagnosing and understanding various auditory disorders. The multichannel functionality also facilitates testing of different frequencies and intensities, providing a more detailed and accurate audiometric profile of the patient.

Direct Connection to Cochlear Implants

A standout feature of the AURITEC AT2000 is its direct connection capability to cochlear implants. This integration streamlines the process of testing and programming cochlear implants, making it more efficient and precise. By directly interfacing with the cochlear implant, the AT2000 can deliver tailored auditory stimuli and immediately analyze the recipient’s responses. This direct connection enhances the precision of fitting and tuning the implant, ensuring optimal auditory outcomes for the user. Moreover, this feature reduces the need for additional equipment and simplifies the workflow for audiologists and hearing specialists.



Customisable audiometry rooms

AURITEC also conceives customizable audiometry rooms, which are specially designed environments tailored to specific audiometry e.g. pediatrics. These rooms can be equipped with engaging visual stimuli to maintain the patient’s attention and cooperation during testing. Customisable features include adjustable furniture and interactive elements that make the audiometric testing process less intimidating especially for young patients.



AURITEC GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
T: +49 406965-0

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