ENT features archive for November 2015
Advances in vestibular function testing
Vestibular function testing has historically been limited by difficulties in testing individual parts of the vestibular apparatus. Jas Sandhu describes new tests available to clinicians that address this problem. Advances in vestibular function testing Vestibular function testing has historically been...
Migraine related vertigo
Migraine is one of the commonest conditions an otologist will have to manage with up to half of migraineurs displaying vestibular symptoms. David Selvadurai provides an overview and management plan for this increasingly well recognised disorder. Migraine is a common...
The modern management of Ménière's disease
In this article, John Phillips considers the evolution of management options for Ménière’s disease. Treatment options past and present are discussed, together with an insight into future developments regarding the role of intratympanic steroids. Ménière's disease can be the source...
Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome
In this article, Hannah North and Simon Lloyd give us an overview of the complex condition of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) syndrome, including diagnosis, treatment and management. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) is a bony defect of the otic...
Update on the development of an implantable vestibular prosthesis
Cochlear implants have revolutionised the management of profound hearing loss. Might vestibular implants be the future for the treatment of bilateral vestibular failure? James Johnston and Neil Donnelly explore. The vestibular system is highly complex, integrating visual, labyrinthine and proprioceptive...