The impact of vocal care and oral health on laryngeal function and voice

Maintenance of epithelial health relies on a number of measures. We hear about hydration, irritants and biofilms from a team in Helsinki. Oropharyngeal health Vocal hygiene is a commonly used term that refers to the personal daily habits contributing to...

Cocaine-induced ENT pseudo-GPA (CIEpGPA): an underdiagnosed entity

Cocaine-induced ENT pseudo-GPA is increasingly seen in our ENT clinics. The authors of a new ENT UK guideline offer a concise overview for day-to-day recognition and management. Use of cocaine has steadily increased in Europe since 2010 and now represents...

Jarrod Homer and Stuart Winter: Development of the sixth edition of the UK multidisciplinary head and neck cancer guidelines

Head and neck cancer care is a complex and constantly evolving field. What’s new and how are national guidelines on the subject produced? We spoke to Professors Homer and Winter, the lead authors of the most recent edition of the...

Andreas Wagner: ESPO 2025 keynote speaker

The keynote speaker for ESPO 2025 in Stuttgart is renowned evolutionary biologist and author Professor Andreas Wagner, from Zurich. Prof Wagner will focus on the congress theme of ‘Innovation’, giving us his unique perspective on how evolution drives human creativity....

In conversation with George Browning, author of Browning’s Audiology for Clinicians

Professor George Browning. It is one of those superbly bright August mornings in London’s West End. It gives Lamb’s Conduit Street, where I’m meeting George Browning, an almost timeless feeling. The café we meet at is bustling and noisy, and...

Laryngeal transplantation: is it a thing?

Few organs could be said to be more complex than the larynx when it comes to transplantation. Martin Birchall looks at past challenges, current issues and future prospects. I am not clear exactly why I chose to spend a life...

The challenges in the risk stratification of thyroid nodules and cancers: the role of molecular testing

Around the world, molecular testing is becoming more widely used to personalise the management of thyroid nodules. Thyroid nodules are relatively common. They are palpable in ~5% of the population, while high-resolution ultrasound (US) incidentally finds them in 19–68% of...

The emergence of in-office ventilation tubes for the treatment of otitis media in children

In-office tympanostomy tube systems offer a quicker, anaesthesia-free alternative to traditional surgery for children, with promising outcomes and reduced costs. Tympanostomy tube or grommet insertion is the most common surgery performed on children worldwide. Whilst a relatively short and straightforward...

Sustainability guidelines to reduce single-use items in ENT outpatients

ENT surgery generates significant waste, with single-use instruments and packaging as key contributors. This article outlines recommendations on sustainable practice that can be adopted into ENT departments. Climate change is one of the greatest threats to human health in the...

The pioneer of precision: Wolfgang Steiner and the evolution of transoral laser surgery

It is rare that a single clinician entirely changes the course of the management of a particular condition. Steiner was one such clinician. Wolfgang Steiner was to transoral laser microsurgery what Grandmaster Flash was to hip-hop or James Brown was...

On the shoulders of giants: a reflection on Wolfgang Steiner

Professor Wolfgang Steiner. Wolfgang Steiner inspired a whole generation of head and neck surgeons. Terry Jones gives us his own personal perspective. “We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and...

In conversation with Reza Rahbar

Reza Rahbar is professor of otolaryngology at Harvard Medical School and associate otolaryngologist-in-chief at Boston Children’s Hospital. He initiated and leads IPOG, the International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group. I met up with him to ask more about it. Reza Rahbar DMD,...