Audiology features archive for March 2015
Hearing in middle-age: hearing impairment, tinnitus and hearing aid use in UK adults
Hearing loss has a well-documented adverse impact on emotional, social and physical well-being. In this article, Dr Piers Dawes from the University of Manchester gives an insight into his team’s recent work analysing the very large UK Biobank data set,...
Tinnitus in middle-age: prevalence and incidence
Population-based studies of tinnitus provide crucial underpinning evidence which highlights the need for further research on the effective diagnosis and clinical management of this heterogenous condition. Furthermore, such studies provide evidence of the burden of this condition both on the...
Hearing loss in the workplace
It is probably accurate to say that most jobs today can be effectively performed by people who have hearing loss. In this article Dr Sam Trychin outlines some of the major issues which should be considered in regard to hearing...
Lost voices – service induced hearing loss on working age veterans
The Royal British Legion campaign for the recognition of hearing loss in serving personnel and veterans In July 2014, the Royal British Legion launched a report entitled Lost Voices revealing that veterans under the age of 75 are three-and-a-half times...
Wireless accessories for hearing aid users: putting the ‘soul’ back into hearing – a case study
The following case study reports on the experiences of a hearing impaired National Health Service (NHS) patient who was given Bluetooth accessories as part of a study into their benefits when used with hearing aids [1]. The name of the...
Help shape the future of mild to moderate hearing loss research
A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership has been formed to help shape the future of research into mild-moderate hearing loss. Who is the Priority Setting Partnership? The Partnership brings together Hearing Link, Action on Hearing Loss, the British Society...