Event Details
Date: 1 July 2022

Location name: Liverpool, UK

Location address: Hope Street Hotel, Liverpool, UK


The second annual Young Audiology Implanters’ Forum (YAIF) was attended by 19 audiological implant consultant surgeons from across the UK, registrars selected to present free papers and industry representatives. The day focused on three themes: innovation in audiology implants, surgical considerations and setting up and running an auditory implant service. The prize for best trainee presentation was awarded to Elinor Warner (left). 

The meeting included presentations from consultants sharing their experiences and discussing difficult cases. Industry partner presentations focused on innovation, with presentations from Cochlear UK, MED-EL, Oticon Medical and Advanced Bionics. The event marked the last under the outgoing president, Sunil Sharma, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, and welcomed the incoming president, Anna O’Kane, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. 

Socialising and networking throughout the day strengthened links between specialists in different areas. There are plans for collaborative research via the forum’s growing network. The day was followed by dinner and a sampling of Liverpool’s famous nightlife. 

The next YAIF meeting will be held in Belfast on 30 June 2023. UK-based auditory implant surgeons within five years of appointment to their substantive consultant post are invited to join the forum by contacting Sunil Sharma: sunil.sharma@alderhey.nhs.uk. 

Miss Mila Roode, BA MPhil BMBCh PhD MRCS (ENT), Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.