Report by Simon Merry, Chiropractor, Inner west family chiropractic, NSW, Australia.



Interacoustics recently hosted a fantastic four-day seminar series on the testing and the interpretation of the peripheral and central vestibular systems and the central ocular motor system. The course was presented by Dr Barin (whom I have been taught by several times previously in Sydney, Australia, the last time probably around 10 years ago).

So I was in need of this refresher course to review past testing protocol procedures, the interpretation thereof, as well as to update me as to the newer tests and concepts which have evolved since then in this field.

The course reviewed the complete battery of ocular motor and vestibular tests now routinely used in a modern-day vestibular clinic, delivered very clearly and concisely, littered with pertinent clinical gems from the vastly experienced Dr Barin.

As said, the course covered testing and interpretation of all volitional and reflexive ocular motor and vestibular tests including: fixation, saccades, smooth pursuit eye tracking, optokinetic, positional and BPPV testing, caloric testing, head impulse testing, ocular counter roll, subjective visual vertical testing and VEMP testing.

Dr Barin went through each test, pointing out the pitfalls and artefacts associated with each relating to the testing procedure and then in the interpretation of these tests. He also importantly pointed out the red flags associated with each test, along with how to differentiate peripheral from central causes, and the possible aetiologies of each pathology.

The course also covered treatments for BPPV. My interest was sparked by the TVP chair and its use in canal repositioning manoeuvres; a piece of equipment I would one day like to love to acquire.

I'd like to thank Interacoustics for a great course!