Amy Campbell, ST5 Otorhinolaryngology at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee
This year’s Scottish International Head and Neck Conference was an example of a truly successful hybrid course. It was hosted by the conference chair, Jai Manick, and co-organiser Omar Hilmi, and in person delegates were welcomed from as far afield as Devon and online from countries all over the world.
A range of experts from across the multidisciplinary team gave talks on the theme of 'Evidence-based management of endocrine and parathyroid pathologies’. The first session focused on pituitary and skull base surgery where Saleh Okhovat, consultant rhinologist and skull base surgeon, and consultant neurosurgeon Samih Hassan, gave talks on patient selection and preparation and on the team work involved in high-level skull base surgery.
Professor Balasubramanian then joined online to give an overview of his wealth of experience in parathyroid surgery. This included the benefits of minimal access surgery, various localisation techniques and the difficulties around revision surgery. A convincing argument was made for the use of loupes for dissection!
Medical colleagues including consultant endocrinologists Dr Fraser Gibb and Dr Russell Duncan gave fascinating talks on hyperparathyroidism and hyperthyroidism, respectively. I am sure fellow delegates will agree that Hamburger thyrotoxicosis will be included in differential diagnoses for some time! Dr Kevin Crofts, Consultant Ophthalmologist also gave a compelling talk on the modern management of thyroid eye disease covering the EUGOGO guidance and the SatraGO-2 trial currently recruiting in Glasgow and investigating Satralizumab for Grave’s eye disease.
Consultant surgeon Omar Hilmi gave a very thought provoking lecture on surgical management of Graves, including when a surgeon wouldn’t operate in favour of radioactive iodine or medical management, and guided delegates through the debate on draining of post-operative thyroidectomy patients. Finally, Jai Manick was able to close the day with operative videos highlighting the important stages in thyroid and parathyroid surgery.
Congratulations to Dr Preeti Bansal, Dr Emily Mander and Dr Jack Dovell who won the poster prize competition among very interesting and competitive submissions.