Helping provide hearing happiness in Malawi

Children with hearing loss in low-income countries face many obstacles. UK-trained audiologist Chikondi Kuthyola shares her story and Malawi’s strides in cochlear implantation. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. In developing countries, deaf children and adolescents...

Cochlear implantation in Tanzania: the journey and the outcomes

It is estimated that over 400 million people worldwide live with disabling hearing loss, 39.9 million of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa [1]. This article by Dr Aveline Kahinga and Mr Ali Jaffer demonstrates the effort that has been made...

Breaking barriers in Uganda: the story of Elaine Mukaaya

More than 9% of sub-Saharan Africa’s one billion people live with disabling hearing loss, with children having among the highest rates of childhood hearing loss in the world [1]. Sadly, in concordance with the inverse care law – proposed by...

What happens to donated hearing aids?

According to the WHO, only 3% of people in developing countries who require hearing aids have one. Over the years many people, organisations and companies have donated old hearing aids to charities. Bhavisha Parmar, an audiologist who volunteered with Sound...