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SCC of pinna – which histological features could predict prognosis?
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the pinna is reported to have a higher rate of metastasis than cutaneous SCC originating from elsewhere - up to 16% compared with less than 2% for the latter. The authors aimed to assess...
Oral hygiene and its interaction with standard of education on the risk of oral cancer in women
Oral cancer in women has an increasing incidence in China, although the majority of Chinese women don’t smoke or drink alcohol. Poor oral hygiene has been shown in previous studies to be a risk factor in the development of oral...
Microsurgical trainees to avoid strenuous exercises?
It is commonly believed among microsurgeons that over-exertion can impair microsurgical performance. The authors aimed to investigate if they could prove this theory and compared the performance of medical students, postgraduate trainees and expert controls who were microsurgery tutors. A...