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PPPD - the problem with the label

The recently described diagnostic entity of persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD) has its merits regarding guiding intervention and treatment, but the label itself can be problematic for patients. This study was designed to determine the views of patients of the...

The vitamin D deficiency and recurrent BPPV debate revisited

The role of calcium metabolism and disorders of bone mineral density in the evolution and recurrence of BPPV has been debated over the years. As a contribution to this debate, the authors undertook a prospective study into the correlation between...

Chronic phase of concussion and stability of gaze

It has been known that vestibular symptoms can persist for several months after concussion. The authors designed this study to assess the effect of chronic concussion (more than one year) on gaze stability and the relationship between deficits in gaze...