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Bones, stones and surgical moans: rethinking PTH dynamics in parathyroid surgery

Intraoperative parathyroid hormone (IOPTH) testing has revolutionised minimally invasive unilateral parathyroidectomy (MIP) as the gold standard treatment for primary hyperparathyroidism, replacing old-timey four-gland exploration. IOPTH testing ensures reliable excision of all hypersecreting glands, including those pesky hard-to-find ones, without relying...

Sleep apnoea got your heart in your throat? Perhaps it’s time to ditch the CPAP and fetch the scalpel

The link between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is clear. Its well-established association with essential hypertension is thought to link OSA to an increased risk of atherosclerotic and hypertensive sequelae. However, data on the long-term impact of...

Tonsillectomies are a pain in the neck!

You thought tonsilitis was bad? Having your tonsils removed, now that’s a hard pill to swallow. Very well, you’ll no longer have to fear the CENTOR, but how do we make recovery as pain-free as possible? Pantabtim and colleagues set...

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