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Locked or unlocked?

This systematic review and meta-analysis from the Netherlands evaluates postoperative complications of mandibular fractures using locking and non-locking systems. It is suggested that postoperative complications of surgical treatment of mandibular fractures occur in 20-26% of patients, and it is thought...

Do bicycle helmets prevent facial injuries?

This is an analysis from Germany where they reviewed over 7000 bicycle accidents over a 16-year period that met their inclusion criteria. Over 1000 had a facial injury (bone or soft tissue) with helmets being worn in 11.8% of accidents....

Soft tissue changes following maxillary osteotomy, comparison of three computer programmes

This small group of seven patients had a Le Fort I advancement maxillary osteotomy with vertical repositioning and alar base cinch sutures. They were assessed with cone beam CT’s three months preoperatively and one year postoperatively. A clinical comparison between...