Ray Clarke is an honorary consultant paediatric ENT surgeon in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Liverpool, and President of ESPO (European Society of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology). He is the joint Editor-in-Chief of Scott Brown’s Otolaryngology. Ray is Past-President of BAPO (British Association for Paediatric Otolaryngology) and of the North of England Otolaryngology Society.

Latest Contribution

Wilde and the foundations of medical epidemiology

William Wilde (father of Oscar) was renowned as an otologist, but less well known for his work in epidemiology. The bedrock of the modern discipline of public health is good data collection, and we hear from our good friend, Ray...

When things go wrong

The new-age, Paediatric Surgeon, Ray Clarke, (fear uasal, íseal), eloquently demands throwing off the shackles of the past and welcomes the dawning of an era of openness, transparency and candour, preferably suffused with compassion for both the patient and the...

In conversation with Ray Clarke: Scott-Brown – The Editors’ view…

Ray Clarke. How did you get involved in the forthcoming Scott-Brown ? How does one become editor of a textbook? Editors are approached and appointed by the publishers, but of course publishers will take advice and soundings from within the...