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Post tonsillectomy recovery in thermal welding method compared with recovery in cold steel method

Many different methods for tonsillectomy have emerged but whether they provide an improvement over the traditional cold steel tonsillectomy is another matter. Thermal welding is a recent method of tonsillectomy in which the tissues are simultaneously coagulated and divided. In...

Facial paralysis risk factors in benign parotid surgery

The literature shows that the risk of facial paralysis following benign parotid surgery can be as high as 57% for temporary weakness and 7% for permanent facial nerve damage. It is generally thought that the factors involved may be related...

The need for pre-operative overnight pulse oximetry in children undergoing surgery for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome

Snoring is a common occurrence in children listed for adenotonsillectomy. This may be associated with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, in which case the post-operative recovery of these children needs to be closely monitored. This study undertakes to assess whether an...