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Evidence based outcomes for canal wall up, canal wall down and subsequent canal wall reconstruction for primary cholesteatoma

There has been a long standing controversy over whether to treat primary cholesteatoma with open or closed technique. The general consensus is that limited disease can be treated with closed technique whereas the canal wall down approach helps reduce recidivism...

MRI evaluation to assess the role of frusemide in reducing endolymphatic hydrops

Endolymphatic hydrops is generally considered to be a marker in Ménière’s disease and frusemide is used with the purpose of reducing it and improving symptoms. With the use of MRI, the authors have used the phenomenon of non-enhancing endolymphatic structures...

Division of tongue tie helps breast feeding

The need for frenotomy in children with tongue tie is not universally accepted. It is however understood that among other problems, such as impaired speech, tongue tie impedes breast feeding possibly leading to early weaning. Therefore, with recent resurgence of...