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Is endoscopic approach more precise in addressing failed ventilation system in chronic mucosal ear disease?

Chronic mucosal disease, as opposed to cholesteatoma, is more directly related to failure of the ventilation system involving three channels. Isthmus anticus and isthmus posticus are channels in front and behind the long process of the incus and there is...

Is there evidence to support early discharge of patients with tonsillitis, quinsy and epistaxis?

The COVID-19 pandemic, with its unprecedented pressures on the NHS, demands changes in the management of common ENT emergencies. In this review article, information has been gleaned from 22 relevant articles on how this can be done. The Portsmouth tonsillitis...

An inherited platelet disorder in a post- tonsillectomy haemorrhage

Unexplained bleeding after any surgery is least desirable and to identify a cause for this preoperatively can be a very useful safeguarding measure. By looking for inherited platelet disorders in patients who bled after tonsillectomy, the authors of this publication...