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Comparing surgical freedom of four transsphenoidal approaches to the sella

Four transspenoidal approaches to the sella were performed and studied by the authors on eight silicon-injected cadaveric heads. Surgical freedom, that is, the ability of the surgeon to move his or her hands in a fixed space, was determined with...

Review: Cochlear Implantation in SSD?

Contra lateral routing of signals (CROS) using hearing aids and bone conduction devices has been the conventionally accepted modality for the treatment of single sided hearing impairment. The CROS hearing aid has been found to improve speech understanding in noise,...

Incidental findings in paranasal sinus Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies

Incidental findings in the paranasal sinuses of mucosal thickening and polyps in MRI studies may cause concerns for clinicians and patients. The authors studied MRIs of 982 participants with a mean age of 58.5 years who randomly and independent of...