Audiology Editor – ENT & Audiology News

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Covid-19 A message from Gareth Smith

Whilst our ENT colleagues have scrambled to the coronavirus ‘call to arms’ and taken the ultimate risk, for many audiologists and audiology services the threat of this global virus presents some different challenges. Whilst social isolation is a scary thought...

Audiology in this issue...The Weird World of Science

Gareth Smith, Consultant Clinical Scientist (Audiology), Southend University Hospital, UK. E: Twitter: @garethlsmith In this edition, I’ve taken rather an editor’s privilege in exploring outside of our mainstays in audiology and widened the field to consider acoustics more widely...

Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology and Management – Third Edition

Our departmental library has a copy of the first edition of this text, and on the odd occasion it’s not booked out to a student, it makes a very handy reference text to dip in and out of. Having recently...