Former ENT Features – Section Editor

Former Newsround – Section Editor

Latest Contribution

Logan Turner’s Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear – Head and Neck Surgery, 12th Edition

Nine years since the previous edition, the 12th edition of Logan Turner sees Quentin Gardiner join Musheer Hussain as a Dundonian editorial double-act. The book has an inextricably East Coast of Scotland history; Arthur Logan Turner was the first ENT...

Medicine in the Mountains

This is an easy-to-read paperback with interesting accompanying photographs. Its focus is one of the UK-based teams who have done considerable healthcare work in Nepal. Written by David Hawker, a British anaesthetist, we see the story unfold through his eyes....

Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders and Pacific Islander Ear Care Manual

I was delighted to review this manual, having had the previous privilege of joining its lead author, Professor Harvey Coates, in one of his indigenous ear health clinics just outside Perth, Western Australia. Prof Coates has worked with a broad...