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Otological problems in musicians

Musicians are understandably anxious about their hearing, and recent high-profile cases of noise-related hearing loss have resulted in huge changes in the music industry. Chris Aldren (otologist and violinist) explains. In the recent Oscar-winning movie, Sound of Metal, heavy metal...

Portable otoscopy image capture devices – a comparative review

The use of photo documentation in ENT clinics is becoming more common as technological advances have made the hardware required more accessible. There is significant variation in the price of products. Daniel Moualed, Olivia Whiteside and Chris Aldren review the...

Tone deafness and perfect pitch

If you think you are tone deaf, do not despair. Singing tuition should help but it is probably too late to hope to develop perfect pitch. Consultant otolaryngologist and keen musician, Chris Aldren, discusses the complex and fascinating subject of...