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A higher aspiration for fine needles

Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) has aided in the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules for decades. Now a rapid evolution is hoped to benefit an increasing cohort of patients with small nodules and non-diagnostic investigations. This review discusses the...

Childhood bony facial tumours

This review article covering maxillary and mandibular tumours is from an edition of the Clinics covering paediatric head and neck masses from frequently encountered congenital malformations to the rarities. There is a wide differential diagnosis for childhood mandibular or maxillary...

Thyroid nodules in children

Whilst 5% of nodules in adults may harbour malignancy it is reported in this review that about a quarter of nodules may do so in children. Malignancies in this group are almost always well-differentiated subtypes of papillary, follicular and medullary...