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Swallowing the risk: managing dysphagia in aged care

The risk of dysphagia increases with age and the prevalence of dysphagia in aged care facilities is 41–52%. Dysphagia increases the risk of aspiration, asphyxiation, malnutrition, pneumonia and ultimately death. Modifying food and fluids, by providing mashed or pureed foods...

Invest in parents: motivation is key

Home practice is a key component in promoting generalisation of what is learned in speech and language therapy sessions to the real world. Yet time constraints, stress, ambivalence toward practice and increased care demands when a child has a disability...

Demonstrating unobservable effects of therapy through PROMS: a review

Ultimately, healthcare should meet the needs of the people it is designed for. One way of measuring this is using patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS). These tools capture the patient’s perspective and have been described as demonstrating the unobservable effects of...