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OBITUARY: Bernard Colman (1924-2020)

Bernard Colman at his leaving party at the old Radcliffe infirmary in 1989, which was his retirement year. Born above a corner shop in Wolverhampton on 17 October 1924, Bernard Colman entered Wolverhampton Grammar School in 1933 but left early...

Ronald G Macbeth – the instigator of BACO

The structure of BACO has changed dramatically since the first conference in 1963, but the fundamental elements of academic excellence, instructional sessions and social events have been common threads. Andrew Freeland, who worked with Ronald Macbeth, the instigator of BACO,...

In conversation with Dr Naufal Kassim

Jane and I first met you six years ago, when we were questioning the apparent high incidence of childhood deafness in Tanzania, and it is a real pleasure doing this interview with you. Your contribution to ENT and general health...