Audiology Features – Section Editor

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Audiology in this issue...Prevention

Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: alex.griffiths-brown@nhs.netTwitter: @griffithsbrown1 'Prevention is better than cure’ is an adage that is attributed to the Dutch philosopher, Desiderius Erasmus, in around 1500. It is a...

Audiology in this issue...Autism

Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist, The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: alex.griffiths-brown@nhs.netTwitter: @griffithsbrown1 As audiology professionals, we will work with a wide variety of patients with different priorities, life experiences and challenges. Patients with autism spectrum...

Audiology in this issue...Women in Leadership

Priya Carling, AuD, Director and Consultant Audiologist,Kent Hearing Ltd, UK. E: Alex Griffiths-Brown, BSc(Hons), MRes, Audiologist,The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Shrewsbury, UK. E: Twitter: @griffithsbrown1 I am going to start off this editorial by clarifying that...