A forum online and in print for the communication of news and information internationally and across disciplines for ear, nose and throat and audiology professionals

Rethinking tinnitus ‘care’: the role of digital solutions

Experiencing tinnitus can be very distressing and accessible care is limited. Digital therapeutics is one way of addressing these concerns, as described by Dr Bardy. Tinnitus presents a significant clinical challenge for various healthcare professionals, including general practitioners (GPs), ENTs...

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Hearing ‘aid’ for Ukraine

Hearing Aid Recycling (HAR) has partnered with Ukraine’s Vidchui organisation to deliver 1000 hearing aids to those affected by war. This collaboration provides essential support for military personnel and civilians suffering from hearing loss, highlighting the power of global solidarity...

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Where Art meets Science

The Indian method: Sushruta’s influence on modern nasal reconstruction

Ancient Indian medicine, as documented in the Sushruta Samhita, contains one of the earliest known references to nasal reconstruction, including surgical techniques still resembling modern practices. (The Sanskrit word ‘Samhita’ is used to define a collection of written work, similar...

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Cocaine-induced ENT pseudo-GPA (CIEpGPA): an underdiagnosed entity

Cocaine-induced ENT pseudo-GPA is increasingly seen in our ENT clinics. The authors of a new ENT UK guideline offer a concise overview for day-to-day recognition and management. Use of cocaine has steadily increased in Europe since 2010 and now represents...

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A woman in a man’s world

Being one of the few women professors of surgery in the world for most of my career inevitably led to some amusing situations. When I was first invited to the Middle East in the 1990s, I accepted primarily to see...

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‘Cutting-edge’ surgical education: exploring the SurgSchool App

SurgSchool is an educational surgical app, where high-quality operations can be viewed with the surgeon’s commentary. It was founded in October 2023 by Enrique Casqueiro Cons, a civil engineer by trade with a background in business, and otologist Dr José...

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Past events

Transnasal oesphagoscopy

In this useful and practical article, the authors describe their use of transnasal oesophagoscopy, including the range of clinical scenarios in which it is used. What is TNO? Transnasal oesphagoscopy (TNO) is a technique that can be used in the...

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Robotics in rhinology – fantasy or the future?

Robotic surgery is advancing, but its use in rhinology lags due to spatial constraints and high costs. Innovations in flexible robots may bridge this gap in the future. We are in a new era, one of artificial intelligence and robotics....

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